Upgrade 4.28.0 to 5.x

Some time ago I upgraded from the old rccontrol program to rcstack, I had assume the process was successful as everything appeared to work, However, I have just tried to run through the rcstack upgrade process and hit a problem. Here are the services before the upgrade:

[root@vcs-rhode docker-rhodecode]# ./rcstack stack-status
Running hostname: https://vcs-rhode.....
CONTAINER ID   NAMES                                  IMAGE                               STATUS                  PORTS
50626df5800a   rc_cluster_apps-celery-1               rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:4.28.0       Up 3 days
2d612d977a3b   rc_cluster_apps-celery-beat-1          rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:4.28.0       Up 3 days
a39e0b310bfb   rc_cluster_apps-rhodecode-2            rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:4.28.0       Up 3 days (healthy)
a4239f71eafc   rc_cluster_apps-vcsserver-2            rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:4.28.0       Up 3 days (healthy)
b8a07575bb1b   rc_cluster_metrics-grafana-1           grafana/grafana:9.5.15              Up 3 days               3000/tcp
3abf1aae9702   rc_cluster_metrics-loki-1              grafana/loki:2.9.3                  Up 3 days               3100/tcp
6c288d080d9f   rc_cluster_metrics-node-exporter-1     prom/node-exporter:v1.7.0           Up 3 days               9100/tcp
0dc1ce91e0d0   rc_cluster_metrics-prometheus-1        prom/prometheus:v2.48.1             Up 3 days               9090/tcp
f4d57911e5f4   rc_cluster_metrics-statsd-exporter-1   prom/statsd-exporter:v0.26.0        Up 3 days (healthy)     9102/tcp, 9125/tcp, 9125/udp
f7df993ab011   rc_cluster_router-traefik-1            traefik:v2.10.7                     Up 3 days     >80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::443->443/tcp,>3100/tcp, :::3100->3100/tcp,>9022/tcp, :::9022->9022/tcp
8e179f8b6288   rc_cluster_services-channelstream-1    channelstream/channelstream:0.7.1   Up 3 days (healthy)     8000/tcp
09a2091814a7   rc_cluster_services-database-1         postgres:14.10                      Up 3 days (healthy)     5432/tcp
0ae443ab4ef0   rc_cluster_services-elasticsearch-1    elasticsearch:6.8.23                Up 3 days (healthy)     9200/tcp, 9300/tcp
edfc46f58722   rc_cluster_services-nginx-errors-1     nginx:1.25.3                        Up 3 days               80/tcp
22f9d0d8848f   rc_cluster_services-nginx-statics-1    nginx:1.25.3                        Up 3 days (unhealthy)   80/tcp
fc7e40107cd9   rc_cluster_services-redis-1            redis:7.2.4                         Up 3 days (healthy)     6379/tcp
[root@vcs-rhode docker-rhodecode]#

It’s a vm so after several attempts and rollbacks I cloned and got it running under a new hostname/ip for testing. After the upgrade:

[root@test-rhode docker-rhodecode]# ./rcstack stack-status
Running hostname: https://test-rhode.....
CONTAINER ID   NAMES                                  IMAGE                               STATUS                       PORTS
b85017a9fb7b   rc_cluster_apps-celery-1               rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.3.0        Up About an hour             
b593bfc3c71e   rc_cluster_apps-celery-beat-1          rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.3.0        Up About an hour             
e5c07a454ec7   rc_cluster_apps-rhodecode-1            rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.3.0        Up About an hour (healthy)   
d4a01db1779f   rc_cluster_apps-vcsserver-1            rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.3.0        Up About an hour (healthy)   
0838df690729   rc_cluster_metrics-grafana-1           grafana/grafana:9.5.18              Up About an hour             3000/tcp
e7df7a150cf0   rc_cluster_metrics-loki-1              grafana/loki:2.9.8                  Up About an hour             3100/tcp
2abeb930d0d3   rc_cluster_metrics-node-exporter-1     prom/node-exporter:v1.8.0           Up About an hour             9100/tcp
20d0fa0d567d   rc_cluster_metrics-prometheus-1        prom/prometheus:v2.51.2             Up About an hour             9090/tcp
6e47ea142023   rc_cluster_metrics-promtail-1          grafana/promtail:2.9.8              Up About an hour             
b0ca9999d704   rc_cluster_metrics-statsd-exporter-1   prom/statsd-exporter:v0.26.1        Up About an hour (healthy)   9102/tcp, 9125/tcp, 9125/udp
9b2a6a530bb6   rc_cluster_router-traefik-1            traefik:v2.11.6                     Up About an hour   >80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::443->443/tcp,>3100/tcp, :::3100->3100/tcp,>9022/tcp, :::9022->9022/tcp
cf9a094982c9   rc_cluster_services-channelstream-1    channelstream/channelstream:0.7.1   Up About an hour (healthy)   8000/tcp
6383e2895e2d   rc_cluster_services-database-1         postgres:14.13                      Up About an hour (healthy)   5432/tcp
573e1b91962f   rc_cluster_services-elasticsearch-1    elasticsearch:6.8.23                Up About an hour (healthy)   9200/tcp, 9300/tcp
0f60ce832bd7   rc_cluster_services-nginx-errors-1     nginx:1.27.0                        Up About an hour             80/tcp
909bad33957f   rc_cluster_services-nginx-statics-1    nginx:1.27.0                        Up About an hour (healthy)   80/tcp
eb3379c7f1eb   rc_cluster_services-redis-1            redis:7.2.5                         Up About an hour (healthy)   6379/tcp
[root@test-rhode docker-rhodecode]#

The website is browse able but certain functions do not work, you cannot view a repository and some of the admin pages fail to load.

When checking the rhodecode logs the first error I noticed was a python error relating to “long”, this was resolved by replacing “long” with “int”:

[root@test-rhode docker-rhodecode]# grep -H long ./config/_shared/gunicorn_conf_rc.py ./config/_shared/gunicorn_conf_vcs.py
./config/_shared/gunicorn_conf_rc.py:        msecs = int((now - long(now)) * 1000)
./config/_shared/gunicorn_conf_vcs.py:        msecs = int((now - long(now)) * 1000)
[root@test-rhode docker-rhodecode]#

The next error I spotted was a permissions issue with lock files:

File \"/home/rhodecode/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dogpile/cache/backends/file.py\", line 413, in _acquire\n    fileno = os.open(self.filename, wrflag)\n             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\nPermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/opt/rhodecode_data/cache_repo_repo.__var__opt__rhodecode_repo_store__open__crates.cache_db.dogpile.lock'\n\nD

[root@test-rhode docker-rhodecode]# ./rcstack cli storage

root@efe5abd6d8cc:/vol# ls -l /vol/datavolume/ | grep lock | grep 999 | wc
    667    6003   72750
root@efe5abd6d8cc:/vol# ls -l /vol/datavolume/ | grep lock | grep root | wc
    176    1584   24794
root@efe5abd6d8cc:/vol# ls -l /vol/datavolume/ | grep lock | wc
    843    7587   97544

root@efe5abd6d8cc:/vol# ls -ld /vol/datavolume/
drwxr-xr-x. 8 999 999 131072 Oct 21 12:05 /vol/datavolume/
root@efe5abd6d8cc:/vol# chown -R 999:999 /vol/datavolume/

This has still not resolved the problem, but the stumbling block appears to be comunication with the vcsserver, checking the vcsserver instance with docker logs:

2024-10-21 13:04:14 [11] [WARNING] Invalid request from ip= Invalid HTTP Header: 'USER-AGENT'

I’m beginning to think I have done something fundamentally wrong! Any suggestions, I can roll back and try again.


Please remove those, and restart rcstack, those will be re-created with proper changes.

Regarding the User-Agent, yes it’s a know issue, please upgrade to 5.2.1 or 5.3.1 version of RhodeCode

Thanks, deleting the gunicorn files did the trick.

The upgrade to 5.3 was successful, the website works as expected. However, a git clone resulted in an error:

[user@host ~/test]0% git clone https://user@xcs-rhode..../Unix/Convert/Pipeline
Cloning into 'Pipeline'...
Password for 'https://user@xcs-rhode....': 
fatal: unable to access 'https://xcs-rhode..../Unix/Convert/Pipeline/': The requested URL returned error: 500
[user@host ~/test]128%

After trawling through logs and deciphering python messages I realised it was failing to find a variable named celery.result_backend:

[root@xcs-rhode docker-rhodecode]# find . -type f -exec grep -H celery.result_backend {} \;
./templates/ini/5.0/rhodecode.ini:celery.result_backend = redis://redis:6379/8
./templates/ini/5.1/rhodecode.ini:celery.result_backend = redis://redis:6379/8
./templates/ini/5.2/rhodecode.ini:celery.result_backend = redis://redis:6379/8
[root@xcs-rhode docker-rhodecode]#

The configuration file ./config/_shared/rhodecode.ini makes reference to c

; connection url to the message broker (default redis)
celery.broker_url = redis://redis:6379/8

I added in a line for celery.result_backend and restarted everything. This has resolved the problem, but it does make wonder if something has not gone quite right with the migration from 4.28 through to 5.3.0.

thanks for a feedback, we will investigate this

Thanks, I suspect it is just a documentation issue. I seem to recall the upgrade path I followed explained the migration to rcstack and rhodecode 4-28. Once that was complete it implied a simple rcstack upgrade to take you to the 5 series. As these ini files are different between releases and need checking/updating.

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