The official release of RhodeCode 5.1

Hi, community!
It’s time to officially say hello to a new version of the RhodeCode - 5.1!

This is the first feature-rich release in a while. There we’re introducing:

  • Email-based log-in for more flexibility
  • Binary file replacement via web UI for simplicity
  • GIT LFS sync automation for efficiency
  • Branch management enhancements for workflow streamline
  • S3-based archive cache for better scalability
  • 2FA for better security

Additionally, with Enterprise Edition, organizations will have the capability to enforce 2FA for all their users.

And more! Check our latest blog post and release notes for all the updates.

Additionally, this version of the product comes out with a new 5.13.1 version of rcstack for a smooth upgrade process.

Important: RhodeCode 5.0 and up requires a new license for Enterprise Edition instances. If you haven’t upgraded from 4.x yet, please email us at to convert your license key.

As always, feel free to share your thoughts on the new version via our Feedback form.


Yours performantly,
The RhodeCode team

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5.1.1 unfortunately breaks Subversion!

No commits are possible due to an error in the 5.1.1 pre-commit-hooks.

I need to revert back to 5.0.3.

Hi @Netmax

Can you change rhodecode.ini to have such values ?

vcs.hooks.protocol = celery
celery.result_backend = redis://redis:6379/8
celery.broker_url = redis://redis:6379/8

And try again ?


@rhodecode-support Thanks, changing “vcs.hooks.protocol” from “http” to “celery” did the trick. :blush:

The other two parameters have been already set as above.

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