RhodeCode is a very good platform to work as a team.
May I suggest small improvements to make it even better? 
From the user interface experience point of view, here are two things I would love you to add to both editions (CE + EE):
- Login with the user’s e-mail or user name. Most of the modern websites now accept both, and it’s generally easier to remember his/her e-mail address than his/her user name.
- Selectable light & dark mode interface. Many developer tools now support dark mode and auto-switch to it if the computer is configured in dark mode.
Can we think adding my suggestions to the development roadmap? 
Hi Justin,
first of all thanks for all the feedback you’re providing. This is very valuable for us !
It’s constantly improving the product, and help us make it better.
Regarding the features:
- Dark mode. It’s already coming we have this planned for 5.2 release and 5.1 is around the corner with faster SSH backend supporter
- Login via email alongside username. We’ll discuss this and get back to you, but we believe this would be a nice improvement indeed especially for those who rely on ldap.
Just to clarify that would be only for WEB log-in, the http auth from git would be username based only ? Since we can see the @ sign beeing problem for CLI potentially
Oh yes of course, I was talking about the web log-in. This is especially true for non-committers: Project or Product Managers, Team Leaders, etc.
Logging-in to SVN/Hg/Git is an other story and I think users are used to a “username based” log-in.
Keep up the good work.
As of version 5.1.1, I can confirm that I can now log-in with my email address. Very nice!
I’m now eager to test version 5.2 with dark mode enabled 
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If I may, here is an other, very minor, UI bug (?) in how the commit SHA hashes are rendered.
I set the commit SHA length to 7 characters in the Settings (just like GitHub does).
From the “Summary” tab of a repo, this effectively
shows 7 characters.
From the “Files” tab, if I go back in time,
it shows a SHA on 8 characters.

From the parent group, the repository is listed with
a SHA hash on 12 characters.

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And about how the revisions are shown, from the start I’m very suprised on how SVN revisions are treated, starting from 0 while the underlying Subversion system always starts from 1:
Check the “Show commit ID numeric reference” option in the Settings:
For Git repositories, this is very cool:
But still, starting from revision 0 looks weird to me:
For SVN repos, this gives “r0:1” for revision 1, which is… unexpected to me:

What do you think?
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Hi Justin! Thats interesting, we will check this and get back to you!
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So while we are focusing on some bigger features for 5.2 we will try to fit some changes related to your suggestions, but they may come after.
We have ticket for them and will address them eventually. Thanks!