RhodeCode UI suggestions


RhodeCode is a very good platform to work as a team.
May I suggest small improvements to make it even better? :slightly_smiling_face:

From the user interface experience point of view, here are two things I would love you to add to both editions (CE + EE):

  1. Login with the user’s e-mail or user name. Most of the modern websites now accept both, and it’s generally easier to remember his/her e-mail address than his/her user name.
  2. Selectable light & dark mode interface. Many developer tools now support dark mode and auto-switch to it if the computer is configured in dark mode.

Can we think adding my suggestions to the development roadmap? :grin:


Hi Justin,

first of all thanks for all the feedback you’re providing. This is very valuable for us !
It’s constantly improving the product, and help us make it better.

Regarding the features:

  • Dark mode. It’s already coming we have this planned for 5.2 release and 5.1 is around the corner with faster SSH backend supporter
  • Login via email alongside username. We’ll discuss this and get back to you, but we believe this would be a nice improvement indeed especially for those who rely on ldap.

Just to clarify that would be only for WEB log-in, the http auth from git would be username based only ? Since we can see the @ sign beeing problem for CLI potentially

Oh yes of course, I was talking about the web log-in. This is especially true for non-committers: Project or Product Managers, Team Leaders, etc.
Logging-in to SVN/Hg/Git is an other story and I think users are used to a “username based” log-in.

Great! :smiley: Keep up the good work.

As of version 5.1.1, I can confirm that I can now log-in with my email address. Very nice!

I’m now eager to test version 5.2 with dark mode enabled :nerd_face:

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