Can't logout or create anything on website

I’ve test-deployed rhodecode CE on my server.
I cannot click my user on top right or click plus sign to create anything. In logs I cannot see anything suspicious. Where do I start investigating?

EDIT: I’ve checked JS console and this is what I got:

Hi, looks like a problem with static files.

Can you post an output from rcstack status command ?


khazakar@wyse5070:~/docker-rhodecode$ ./rcstack status
Running hostname: http://wyse5070.local
CONTAINER ID   NAMES                                  IMAGE                               STATUS                 PORTS
70d23cbf097b   rc_cluster_apps-celery-1               rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.1.0        Up 3 hours             
52a871a2557c   rc_cluster_apps-celery-beat-1          rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.1.0        Up 3 hours             
9f02a991155c   rc_cluster_apps-rhodecode-1            rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.1.0        Up 3 hours (healthy)   
805c209f6eb4   rc_cluster_apps-sshd-1                 rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.1.0        Up 3 hours (healthy)   
372a4de562d2   rc_cluster_apps-svn-1                  rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.1.0        Up 3 hours (healthy)   
a26687047646   rc_cluster_apps-vcsserver-1            rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.1.0        Up 3 hours (healthy)   
5558336407d1   rc_cluster_metrics-grafana-1           grafana/grafana:9.5.18              Up 3 hours             3000/tcp
cb5eca7ce695   rc_cluster_metrics-loki-1              grafana/loki:2.9.8                  Up 3 hours             3100/tcp
b29a1cb842d9   rc_cluster_metrics-node-exporter-1     prom/node-exporter:v1.8.0           Up 3 hours             9100/tcp
3163a92ce870   rc_cluster_metrics-prometheus-1        prom/prometheus:v2.51.2             Up 3 hours             9090/tcp
45bf83216db3   rc_cluster_metrics-promtail-1          grafana/promtail:2.9.8              Up 2 hours             
a48ff5e2f004   rc_cluster_metrics-statsd-exporter-1   prom/statsd-exporter:v0.26.1        Up 3 hours (healthy)   9102/tcp, 9125/tcp, 9125/udp
2c28786703e3   rc_cluster_router-traefik-1            traefik:v2.11.4                     Up 3 hours   >80/tcp, :::3000->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::3443->443/tcp
e156dd168458   rc_cluster_services-channelstream-1    channelstream/channelstream:0.7.1   Up 3 hours (healthy)   8000/tcp
da2862495244   rc_cluster_services-database-1         postgres:14.12                      Up 3 hours (healthy)   5432/tcp
e1e42f809180   rc_cluster_services-elasticsearch-1    elasticsearch:6.8.23                Up 3 hours (healthy)   9200/tcp, 9300/tcp
5c9811c60842   rc_cluster_services-nginx-errors-1     nginx:1.27.0                        Up 3 hours             80/tcp
b4854d5a8b81   rc_cluster_services-nginx-statics-1    nginx:1.27.0                        Up 3 hours (healthy)   80/tcp
e64abb298e6c   rc_cluster_services-redis-1            redis:7.2.5                         Up 3 hours (healthy)   6379/tcp

Can you try to run ./rcstack stack all down && ./rcstack stack all up -d ?

Also if this happens again, please post an output from the chrome console network tab for any 404 loading static files ? Maybe some proxy or plugin blocks them ?

  1. No 404s, same errors as before
  2. It’s happening right after setting server up, no plugins installed outside what’s provided on default installation of CE version

can you check if the same error happens on ?

Also please check different browser then chromium if possible

1 Like
  1. Doesn’t happen on
  1. Same error is shown in firefox:
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as a workaround now, can you switch to beta (it’s now same as stable really) ?


./rcstack cli set-runtime-image 5.1.0.beta95
./rcstack stack all down
./rcstack stak all up -d

version 5.1.1 was released to fix this now


Tested it on 5.1.1 and it works now greatly, thanks!