I’ve test-deployed rhodecode CE on my server.
I cannot click my user on top right or click plus
sign to create anything. In logs I cannot see anything suspicious. Where do I start investigating?
EDIT: I’ve checked JS console and this is what I got:
Hi, looks like a problem with static files.
Can you post an output from rcstack status command ?
khazakar@wyse5070:~/docker-rhodecode$ ./rcstack status
Running hostname: http://wyse5070.local
70d23cbf097b rc_cluster_apps-celery-1 rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.1.0 Up 3 hours
52a871a2557c rc_cluster_apps-celery-beat-1 rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.1.0 Up 3 hours
9f02a991155c rc_cluster_apps-rhodecode-1 rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.1.0 Up 3 hours (healthy)
805c209f6eb4 rc_cluster_apps-sshd-1 rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.1.0 Up 3 hours (healthy)
372a4de562d2 rc_cluster_apps-svn-1 rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.1.0 Up 3 hours (healthy)
a26687047646 rc_cluster_apps-vcsserver-1 rhodecode/rhodecode-ce:5.1.0 Up 3 hours (healthy)
5558336407d1 rc_cluster_metrics-grafana-1 grafana/grafana:9.5.18 Up 3 hours 3000/tcp
cb5eca7ce695 rc_cluster_metrics-loki-1 grafana/loki:2.9.8 Up 3 hours 3100/tcp
b29a1cb842d9 rc_cluster_metrics-node-exporter-1 prom/node-exporter:v1.8.0 Up 3 hours 9100/tcp
3163a92ce870 rc_cluster_metrics-prometheus-1 prom/prometheus:v2.51.2 Up 3 hours 9090/tcp
45bf83216db3 rc_cluster_metrics-promtail-1 grafana/promtail:2.9.8 Up 2 hours
a48ff5e2f004 rc_cluster_metrics-statsd-exporter-1 prom/statsd-exporter:v0.26.1 Up 3 hours (healthy) 9102/tcp, 9125/tcp, 9125/udp
2c28786703e3 rc_cluster_router-traefik-1 traefik:v2.11.4 Up 3 hours>80/tcp, :::3000->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::3443->443/tcp
e156dd168458 rc_cluster_services-channelstream-1 channelstream/channelstream:0.7.1 Up 3 hours (healthy) 8000/tcp
da2862495244 rc_cluster_services-database-1 postgres:14.12 Up 3 hours (healthy) 5432/tcp
e1e42f809180 rc_cluster_services-elasticsearch-1 elasticsearch:6.8.23 Up 3 hours (healthy) 9200/tcp, 9300/tcp
5c9811c60842 rc_cluster_services-nginx-errors-1 nginx:1.27.0 Up 3 hours 80/tcp
b4854d5a8b81 rc_cluster_services-nginx-statics-1 nginx:1.27.0 Up 3 hours (healthy) 80/tcp
e64abb298e6c rc_cluster_services-redis-1 redis:7.2.5 Up 3 hours (healthy) 6379/tcp
Can you try to run ./rcstack stack all down && ./rcstack stack all up -d ?
Also if this happens again, please post an output from the chrome console network tab for any 404 loading static files ? Maybe some proxy or plugin blocks them ?
can you check if the same error happens on code.rhodecode.com ?
Also please check different browser then chromium if possible
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as a workaround now, can you switch to beta (it’s now same as stable really) ?
./rcstack cli set-runtime-image 5.1.0.beta95
./rcstack stack all down
./rcstack stak all up -d
version 5.1.1 was released to fix this now
Tested it on 5.1.1 and it works now greatly, thanks!